Rudawy Mountains

Dormitory Szwajcarka

Szwajcarka Shelter – the oldest hostel in Rudawy Janowickie.

Opening hours / opening dates

  • Every day
  • opening hours relate to the work of the buffet


  • Szwajcarka is the only completely wooden historic hostel in the Sudety Mountains
  • was built in the Tyrolean style in 1823
  • the hostel has a base of accommodation for 27 places (double, four and dormitory) plus an unheated cottage and a campsite
  • open all year round
  • there is a buffet with warm simple dishes on site
  • The Swiss is a good place for a short stop before conquering Sokolik and Krzyżna Góra. It is also a good starting point to visit the Bolczów Castle
Swiss Hostel.

Swiss Hostel.

Hostel Szwajcarka in winter

Swiss shelter in winter.

Dormitory in Rudawy Janowickie

In Switzerland there are spartan conditions, but you can buy simple meals and something to drink.

Horse rallies in Rudawy Janowickie

A well-known horse trail passes by the shelter.

Interior of the Szwajcarka hostel

Interior of the hostel. There are also up to a dozen or so beds in the hostel.