Wedding in Lower Silesia

A good place for

slow wedding, country wedding, rustic wedding

The most important is the unique atmosphere, which guests will remember for a long time. See what the house, the surroundings and interiors, the nearby area, the carriage house (also called the barn), the orchard and our hill, where you can arrange a magical wedding ceremony, look like.

We know that preparing for a wedding is a big challenge. Below we have prepared for you a detailed description of our place – please read it carefully. If you want to learn more, talk or agree on details – we invite you to contact us.

Wedding in the country, boho wedding, Villa Greta
The surroundings

and the atmosphere of the place

Wedding Villa Greta

We will start by presenting the location of Villa Greta.

Villa Greta is located in the village of Dobkow in the Land of Extinct Volcanoes in the Sudetes. Take a look at where each place is located.

Wedding in the countryside

One more look at the surroundings, from a slightly different perspective and at a different time of the year.

Wedding Lower Silesia

In the summer, a tunnel mowed in a meadow leads us to the hill.

Boho wedding Villa Greta

A wedding ceremony takes place on the hill next to the apple tree. If it rains, we move the ceremony to the hall in the Arnold’s House (more dignified) or to the old carriage house (more rustic).

Wedding in the mountains

A dreamy, magical place on a hill, perfect for a boho wedding ceremony, among the humming meadows. From here you can see the whole area.

Church wedding in the countryside. Wedding in the countryside

A church wedding can be organized in Church of St. Giles 500 m away. The parish priest is Father Piotr Zukowski – the parish priest of Lipa. The phone number to the parish office: ‭+48 75 741 40 28‬.
The civil wedding will be given to you by the mayor or official from the City and Commune in Świerzawa: +48 75 713 53 88.

Wedding halls

and the atmosphere for the party

Old Carriage House

This is what our new Old Coach House looks like. On one side there is a courtyard, on the other a barbecue and a view of the hill with a tree. The hall has room for 80 guests + dancing space or 120 guests with an outdoor dance terrace.

Idea for the wedding tableware

The wedding hall prepared for the ceremony for 60 people. In the hall there is an atmospheric fireplace with real crackling wood, the perfect addition for autumn and winter celebrations.

Main restaurant hall

Wedding reception prepared for 40 people with an orchestra and a place to dance in the same hall. In the rustic style. No tablecloths.

A larger hall in the Arnold's House

Sometimes we organize a small wedding party with a ceremony on a hill, in an exclusive hall, but without an all-night party.

Hall at the Arnold House

A wedding reception for 28 people in the hall at the Arnold’s House. Sometimes this hall serves as a dance hall for the main restaurant, which is located 15 m from the small hall.

Dance terrace

The dance platform prepared 10 m from the entrance to the wedding hall.
You can order different sizes of platforms and set the platform in different parts of the yard.

An example of wedding table décor. Glass, wood and natural, delicate additions.

Sometimes young people choose our Old Orchard. Remember, however, that the weather can play a trick :-)

Romantic wedding in Poland
Wedding ceremony on the hill

Wedding ceremony on a hill. It’s all over!

The Bride

The Bride – preparations for the wedding ceremony.

Wedding in the countryside

Wedding in the Polish countryside.

The wedding ceremony on the hill at the apple tree.

Boho wedding in Poland

Wedding pergola.

Old Carriage House

Old Carriage House | up to 80 people | plus dance halls.

Carriage house at Villa Greta

The carriage house at Villa Greta. View from the side of the dance hall.

Rustic festive dinner for 30 people

Rustic Party

Boho wedding in Poland

The carriage house is perfect for people who like boho style.

Intimate wedding hall

The intimate wedding hall.

Outdoor wedding

The open-air wedding in the Lower Silesia.

Romantic wedding in Villa Greta.

Church in Dobkow

The church in Dobkow.

Dream wedding

Dream wedding at Villa Greta.

Rustic wedding Poland

The rustic atmosphere during a wedding at Villa Greta.

Unusual wedding hall

Our wedding hall is unusual, it is an old barn.

Dance terrace

Dance terrace in front of the Arnold’s House.

Idea for the wedding tableware

The Bride and Groom have various ideas for the tableware for this occassion.

Romantic wedding

Romantic wedding in Polish mountains.

Atmospheric wedding Poland

Atmospheric wedding in Poland.

Original wedding venue

Under the apple tree in Villa Greta – the original place for the wedding.

More information

Here you will find even more details about places, meals, nooks and crannies and additional accommodation, if the number of guests was slightly larger.

Want to talk?

Do not wait, we are there for you!

Well, let’s go – we now suggest you check whether the date you have chosen is free. If you want to talk and lay down the details – write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Wedding in the barn
10 most beautiful wedding venues in Poland
Concrete cooperation

Good and proven

Long-term cooperation is all about the benefits. They are experienced, familiar with the place and people. First of all, they are nearby. They know how to get the best atmosphere and excitement from every event at Villa Greta.