Middle Sudetes

Tiszy Castle

Tiszy Castle (Cieszów, German: Zeisburg) – the ruins of a medieval castle near Książ Castle.

Opening hours / opening dates

  • all year round


  • the ruins of the Tisza Castle are located in the forest, in the Książ Landscape Park, only 3 km from the Książ Castle
  • the castle is surrounded by a dry moat, a picturesque wooden bridge leads to the entrance gate
  • recently, the castle can be reached by a new asphalt road
  • you can also walk to the castle on foot from the vicinity of Cisów, along the yellow and green trails
  • on the way, pay attention to the penitential cross, 650 m in front of the castle, driving from the village of Cisów
  • history of Tisza Castle

Frequently asked questions

Zamek Cisy - ruiny

Zamek Cisy

In the Tisza Castle

The ruins of the castle are secured and made available for independent sightseeing, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Ruins of Tisza Castle

Ruins of the Tisza Castle, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Castle in Cieszów

Castle in Cieszów, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Castle near Wałbrzych

The ruins of the castle are located not far from książ Castle, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Tisza Castle near Wałbrzych

The castle is located in the Książ Landscape Park, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Visiting the Tisza Castle

Footbridge at the castle, photo. Jacek Bednarek.

Visiting the Tisza Castle

There is not much left of the castle, photo. Jacek Bednarek.