Katshava Mountains

Lipa Castle

Lipa Castle – did it belong to the Templar Order?


  • The castle in Lipa is the ruins of the former gothic watchtower
  • currently the object is under renovation, the owner of the castle secures the building, the ruins can only be admired from behind the fence (information from July 2022)
  • The castle in Lipa appears in legends about the treasures of the Templar Order
  • in Lipa also visit the Gothic church of St. Paul and St. Peter with epitaphs in the churchyard
  • nearby are The Świny Castle and the Bolków Castle
  • history of Lipa Castle

Frequently asked questions

Zamek Lip

Ruiny Zamku Lipa

Ruiny Zamku Lipa

Do ruin zamku prowadzi oznaczenie

Castle in Lipa

The castle currently belongs to a private owner.

Średniowieczna kuchnia

Ciekawostką Zamku w Lipie są pozostałości średniowiecznej kuchni.