Katshava Mountains

Czartowska Skała

Czartowska Skała – post-volcanic nek – one of the symbols of the Kaczawski Mountains and Foothills.

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Frequently asked questions

Czartowska Skała

Czartowska Skała is a picturesque hill located right next to the jawor – Świerzawa provincial road.

Czartowska Skała - Land of Extinct Volcanoes

Driving along the main road you will easily notice the signpost.

Extinct volcano and village Helpful

An extinct volcano towers over the village of Pomocne.

Basalt pillars on Czartowska Skala

Basalt pillars occur here similarly to the Werewolf or the Myśliborskie Organ.

Czartowskie Skały

The mountain is a very graceful subject for photography. Others at any time of the year and day :).

In the Land of Extinct Volcanoes

Deer at the foot of Czartowska Skała.

Butterfly oct queen

A regular summer visitor at the top of Czartowska Skała – a rare butterfly of the queen’s octave.

View from the top of Czartowska Skała

View from the top of the hill.

Volcanism in Poland

Basalt pillars are a relic of volcanism from about approx. 10 million years.

Extinct volcanoes in Poland

Czartowska Skała is an easy mountain to climb. It is a good excursion destination for families with children.

Visiting extinct volcanoes

On the way up…